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Dog Behaviour Modification & Dog Obedience Training

Jumping up, pulling on the lead, biting, mouthing, nipping, inappropriate toileting, aggression towards dogs, food aggression, aggression towards family members, pack aggression, stranger aggression, fear aggression, inattentiveness (dogs that won’t listen), poor recall (dogs that won’t come back when called), destructive behaviours, chasing cats, horses and livestock, over exuberance, nuisance barking, crying, yelping, howling, separation anxiety, digging, escaping, chewing, hyperactivity, item obsession, phobias or general disobedience.

Whatever your dog training requirements are, rest assured that a Bark Busters dog trainer can deal with any problem. Any dog, any age, whatever the issue, do not despair – Bark Busters can help!


Dog Behaviours

How Dogs Learn

The 100% rewards-based “positive reinforcement” systems are unbalanced because they fail to acknowledge the natural way which dogs themselves communicate and learn. In the natural world, dogs will learn from each other, by establishing a functional leadership hierarchy. The natural born leaders with the strongest skills will educate the pack by correcting the mistakes of subordinates and junior members. Boundaries and limits are established as they learn social etiquette, respect for each other, and ultimately how to survive. The Bark Busters dog training system embraces exactly this model by guiding behavioural outcomes through the establishment of simple structures and boundaries by combining a perfect balance of intuitive vocal corrections with lots of positive reinforcement by way of praise.

The Human & Dog Relationship

In a domestic mixed pack where human and canine species are combined, it has to be the human’s responsibility for giving their dog its education. But humans have an incredible tendency to humanise (anthropomorphize) their dogs, thinking they are showing great love. With many dogs, this can be the start of the slippery slope when their beloved dog starts misinterpreting all of these well-meaning intentions, and before long is running the household and training the humans.

A Balanced Approach

The success of the Bark Busters canine training system lies in the fact that we teach owners how to communicate with their dog in a balanced way which is immediately intuitive and understood by their dogs. Our system embraces over 30 years of worldwide expertise and research in dog psychology making us the leading experts in both dog behaviour modification and dog obedience training.

A testament to our experience is our incredible success rate with more than 1 million happy dogs and owners successfully trained worldwide. This amazing achievement has been accomplished chiefly because of the unique Bark Busters system which encompasses a natural balance between positive reinforcement and kind intuitive vocal corrections carefully put in place to curb any issues and model your dog’s behaviour to the desired result.

Deed Not Breed!

At Bark Busters, we believe that dogs are never born naughty. Sadly, however, many dogs are condemned as ‘bad’ and needlessly surrendered, re-homed or even euthanised, due to their owners’ frustration with failed attempts at understanding and communicating with them in a way that they understand. Our job is to bridge this gap between human and dog: to bring about a meeting of minds. Any behavioural issues, regardless of your dog’s age, can be modified and successfully cured using our kind, humane approach.

Resolving Behavioural Problems

Behaviour Modification is the process of addressing and resolving specific dog behavioural issues ranging broadly from aggression problems, nuisance barking, separation anxiety, inappropriate toileting and housebreaking, destructive behaviours and self-harming and other obsessive-compulsive behaviours.

Learned Behaviours

Most behavioural issues are a learned response to the experiences and environment in which the dog finds itself. This is why conducting dog training in your home is infinitely more important and more effective. Dogs learn by association of events, by interpreting information through their senses in a canine way. Most dogs aren’t born leaders, which is why they need us humans to provide good leadership for them.